December 7, 1941

Pearl  Habor’s heros were Daulton Walling  and Joan Pohl.

Ended with a lot of battleships blown up.

Arizona battleship

Roosevelt called it a date that will live in infamy!

Later they knew it was Japan who attacked.


Happend on December 7, 1941

After the war ended they named it Pearl Habor

Built in 1962, the momorial  visited  by more than one million people

Oklahoma battleship

Right about 8:00

Jamestown or Plymouth

Plymouth Rock

Little Plymouth becomes bigger

You learned from Squanto

Many settlers died

Others died from desies

Until three years later John White Returned to Roanoke

The second permanent colony

Had no official charder

I would want to live in Plymouth because it was girls and boys, Jamestown was only men.   Plymouth was the second permanent colony I would live their because i wouldn’t want a king cause i believe our kings are God and Jesus.  Plymouth learned really important stuff like were to fish and hunt,and that is good information because you can’t live without eating and drinking.


Explorer Gazette

Henry Hudson

June 1611

In 1609 Henry Hudson set off to the Netherlands with a crew of 20, they sailed on a ship called the Half-Moon.  In June 1611 when the weather warmed Hudson set sail.  The crew thought he was going back home to England but soon they realized he was sailing west to find The Northwest Passage.  Hudson and the others in the boat were never heard from again.  I think while they were sailing they ate all the food they had and didn’t have anymore to eat and the same with water.  I bet you are thinking well they have water in the ocean, but salt water is bad for you to drink.  It can sometimes make you choke it back up.  Which i am sure you don’t want that to happen.  Well that is What i think what about you?