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My Favorite Part
My favorite part of the book is in Willow Creek Home,my favorite part is when Mina gets kidnapped by comanche’s.
I like this part because it gives a lot of detail about what mina did and how she got away. First she spit in the camanches eye. Second she tried to jump off Third the comanche grabbed her ankle. Fourth she kicked with her free leg. Fifth tucan took ina to papa
Hot Air Balloons
Today 4th grade went outside to learn about hot air balloons. These are really intresting facts about them. First, the hot air balloon was created in the 1700’s. Second, it was the first thing that flew in the air. Third, it can hold up to 5,000 cubic units. Fourth, the more people that are in the balloon needs more air. Fifth, it can only go up to 205 degrees.
Texas Road House
Texas Road House is a good place to eat
I like their stake its very sweet
by Lois Ehlert 14 pages
The Snowball is a book about a bird that makes seven different kinds of snowmen. The snowmen were a mom,dad,baby,girl,boy. At the end of the story the snowmen melt
opinion and why
I don’t like this book very much it doesn’t give a lot of detail. I would reccomend this for a kindergartener or first grader.
author Lois Ehert page number 14
summary The snowball is a book about a bird that builds seven different kind of snowmen.the snowmen were a mom,dad,boy,girl,baby,dog and a cat. At the end of the story the birds snowmen melt.
Opinion and why I don’t like this book very much because it doesn’t give alot of detail.I would only recommend this book for kindergarten or first grade students.
rating one star
Conserving Water
Conserve water by not wasting water. Water should be used safely. Saving water is good for the world. Humans can die if they don’t have water.
You can save water by turning it of while brushing your teeth and washing your hands.Next you can save millions of gallons if you use a cup to rinse out your mouth. Don’t let water be wasted. Last you can waste two hundred gallons of water by letting it go down the drain. We can save water by not letting sprinklers spreay in the road, you are not watering your grass. Don’t water your grass in the middle of the day it will evaperate. Don’t play in water if your not using it to waqter your grass or plants.Plants and grass can die without water.
Use these steps to conserve water everywhere at home or at a friends.