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President Poem
Gorge Washington was the first United president.
His nickname was Father of our Country
he married Martha Daindredge Custis
Born in 1732
George Washington
He was cheif
George was dead in1799
George Washington died in Westmoreland country, virgini
Less than three years of leaving office, he died
Memories that will last
One of my top three events was spending time with my grandma. Spending time with my grandma is special because my grandma had bone cancer and I didn’t get to spend that much time with her. She would play volleyball and marbles with me and my family. My second event is our football team getting to go to the semi finals. This is something i will never forget because our team worked really hard to get there. They worked as a team and did not give up. They were tired but the kept going. My third event is winning first place with all three o my cheer teams. This is something i wont forget because my team worked really hard to get that reward. Another reason is because it takes a lot of practice and hard work, it also takes team work to win. I bet you know that. Two goals i want to do this year is win a basketball game with my team, the second one is to do a double on the floor. One thing i want to stop doing this year is fighting with my brothers and sisters. I think if i stop fighting with my siblings it will make my life better. One thing i want to learn this year is how to play basketball like my brothers. My brothers are twenty-one and sixteen and they are really good at basketball. That is the one thing i want to learn this year. The four new books i want to read are Catching Fire, Heaven is for real, Twighlight, and Romona and Beezus. Those are my goals for 2014.
Veterans Day
Oan Veterans Day I wrote about my cousin Stephan he is flying airplanesin the army. Stephan is really fun he plays with me and my family. My cousin is really strong and he can hold his breath for two minutes under water. I love Stephan and I wish he could come back home!
Should Every Kid Get A Trophy
I don’t think every kid should get a trophy because, you don’t earn it if you didn’t work for it. Do you think everyone should get a trophy? Plus you shouldn’t get a trophy for cleaning your room or doing chores. You shouldn’t get a trophy for listening to your parents. You shouldn’t get a trophy for bad sportsminship . And you should not get a trophy for not participating.